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Let us guide you to your perfect floor

Let us guide you to your perfect floor

With so many options to choose from, finding a floor that’s just right for your taste and budget, can be a bit of a challenge. But no worries… We have developed some easy online tools that will guide you on your pursuit for the right floor… until you finally find an option that feels just perfect. Ready?


Start the FloorExplorer

Overwhelmed by the many options and not sure which floors are right for you? With the FloorExplorer we’ll guide you to a selection of floors that will match your personal needs and style in just a few steps. Start exploring now!

Start exploring


Try the Roomviewer

Having a hard time visualizing your interior with a brand-new floor? No problem! With the RoomViewer you can easily preview any floor in your own interior to help you make the right choice. Try it yourself!

Preview your floor


Contact a dealer

Can't wait to see your favorite floors in real life? Would you like to know how much your project will cost? Contact a dealer. He will be happy to help you!

Contact a dealer