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What is the delivery cost for the products I order online?

The actual delivery cost of your order will depend on the type of products you wish to purchase, i.e. floors, samples, maintenance products, etc.

1. Quick-Step floors

Home delivery is free of charge for all orders that exceed £300. For orders with a total value below £300, a delivery charge of £50 will be added.

2. Quick-Step samples

All samples cost £5.99 per sample, which includes the transport, packaging, handling and administrative costs. The charge of maximum 3 samples is completely refundable should you ultimately decide to purchase one of our floors online. This refund will be provided in the form of a voucher which you can find in the confirmation e-mail of your sample order.

3. Quick-Step maintenance products

A standard shipping rate of £4.99 is charged regardless of the quantities ordered.

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