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How to fix a vinyl floor that warps

Flex Click Vinyl

If the space between the wall and the Flex Vinyl floor is smaller than 2, preferably 5 mm, your Flex Vinyl floor will not have enough space to adapt itself to temperature fluctuations in your room and it may warp a little.

Alpha Vinyl 

If the space between the wall and the Alpha Vinyl floor is smaller than 8 mm, your Alpha Vinyl floor will not have enough space to adapt itself to temperature fluctuations in your room and it may warp a little.

  • Carefully remove the skirting near the plank that is warping upwards. Check to see if the plank fits snugly against the wall.
  • Next, cut away a small piece from the end, leaving approximately 5 mm for Flex Click and 8 mm for Alpha Vinyl. Can’t reach it with a knife? Try using a multi-tool. Cut away a little more if necessary.
  • Now you can return the skirting to its position and your floor is once again perfectly level.

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