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How to refinish wood flooring without sanding?

It’s really possible to have beautifully refinished wooden floors without dealing with the hassle of sanding. Therefore, you chose an oiled floor. Here’s how.to refinish your oiled floor:

  1. For heavily worn wooden floors, we advise using maintenance oil every 6 – 12 months. Ask your local dealer for advice on which product to use. He can also tell you whether you need a white maintenance oil or a transparent oil.
  2. Clean your floor with Quick-Step Cleaning product. Make sure the floor is dry, dust- and stain-free before taking the next step.
  3. Take your can of maintenance oil and shake it well before opening it. You’ll need around 1 liter of oil per 50m² of flooring.
  4. Apply a thin layer of maintenance oil. Distribute the oil along the direction of your planks using a microfiber cloth. Take your time to do this over the entire floor surface.
  5. Allow the oil to absorb into the wood for a few minutes. Finish up by wiping the surface with a clean, microfiber cloth.
  6. Allow your floor to dry for 12-24 hours and ready you are. That’s all there is to it!

You’ll need around 1 liter of oil per 50m2 of flooring.

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